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Hoorah for all things Springy!  

If you’ve been in and around Thrive for a while, you’ll know how much I LOVE Spring! There’s something about the freshness, the warmth, the promise of something new. And the flowers. I love the flowers 😊

Speaking of new things, we’re delighted to let you know that our online QCTO Assessment Practitioner course is designed, prepared, accredited and good to go! We’re trialling it over 6 weeks, including 2 full-day sessions and then weekly touch-base Fridays with your mentor/assessor. All in preparation for your FISA on week 7. Running from January 2025 – details, registration and sign-up here.

Keep reading for a bumper newsletter edition packed with info and opportunities….have a beautiful month, Thrive Tribe!

Yours in Skills,


IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Notification On The Re-Registration And De-Registration Of Legacy Occupational Qualifications That Passed Or Will Pass Registration End Date.
Read the Gazette here and list of extended qualifications and trades

ETDP SETA Response to Legacy Qualifications Last Date of Enrolment Extension
Read here for the ETDP Seta response to the changes in registered unit standards and qualifications. 

TETA Notice on the implementation of Pre-2009 Qualifications 
Teta issued a stakeholder notice regarding how the Transport Sector will implement the transitional arrangements for the pre-2009 qualifications. Read notice here.

The Security Association of South Africa won their court case against Sasseta/DHET/SAQA/QCTO in an interesting ruling that may become defining case law in relation to expired legacy qualifications not yet been replaced by the QCTO. Read the details here

QCTO Subject Matter Expert (SMEs) Workshops
The QCTO recently conducted workshops to train Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and Verifiers on accreditation processes and monitoring occupational qualifications. These sessions covered key topics such as Accreditation Processes, Templates, SME Submissions, and the Code of Conduct. The goal was to equip SMEs with the expertise to serve as effective QCTO accreditation ambassadors.

High Court Ruling on Firearm Training
On 12 July 2024, the PFTC was successful in its High Court application regarding firearms training regulations. The court order allows Training Providers to continue conducting training sessions. However, the Respondents have indicated their intent to appeal the decision. For more details, view the court order here.

Key Insights from the 2022 Post-School Education and Training Statistics
See this insightful data on the Infographics on Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in 2022. This comprehensive document offers valuable insights into the state of post-school education and training.

FP&M Seta Notice
The Fibre Processing and Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority (FP&M SETA) invites stakeholders to participate in the scoping and profiling meetings for the development and realignment of a variety of following occupational qualifications. Click here for more information and registration form.

Umalusi Communication regarding the accreditation of Online Schools
Umalusi responded to the announcement of Unisa Open School. Umalusi clarified that it does not accredit online schools. Instead, Umalusi provides accreditation to private education and training providers that offer qualifications on the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-framework (GFETQSF) of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). Read the communication here.

Fasset Notice
Fasset is seeking Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) to participate in the Development, Review and Realignment of Occupational Qualifications. Visit Fasset to download application form 

Fasset Stakeholder Survey
The FASSET Skills Planning and Research Unit is running a study on Closing the Gaps on Leadership and Gender Inequality in the Finance and Accounting Services (FAS) Sector. FASSET invites stakeholders to partake in the survey which will assist in formulating an in-depth view of the topic. Click here to complete the survey.

W&RSETA Annual General Meeting Notice
Employers, stakeholders and entities in the Wholesale and Retail sector are invited to attend the AGM  taking place in Cape Town on 17 October 2024. For more information and to register please click here.

 National Skills Authority Awards
The National Skills Authority (NSA) is excited to announce the National Skills Awards, taking place on 30 January 2025. The NSA is celebrating the incredible work being done across sectors to advance skills development in South Africa. If you’re involved in implementing the National Skills Development Plan (NSDP), this is your chance to shine. Nominations close on  04 October 2024.  Get all the details and nomination form here or here.


Click here to see more about what our clients have to say about working with us.


Fasset Funding opportunities
Fasset has a number of funding opportunities currently open for all employers, stakeholders and entities in the sector. Visit Fasset to learn more about the opportunities.

Insurance Seta Discretionary Grant, closing 30 September 2024
The Seta is accepting applications for Discretionary Grant funding for learning programmes focusing on unemployed youth programmes, expression of interest (eoi) and worker programmes. Click here for more information on the programmes.

MICT Seta 2025/26 Discretionary Grant Update
The Seta would like to inform stakeholders who submitted applications for the 2025/26 discretionary grant funding window, which closed on 4 July 2024, that successful applicants chosen for site vetting will be notified by 20 December after the online compliance verification process is completed. Visit MICT here.

FoodBev Seta Discretionary Grant, closing 04 October 2024
The FoodBev Manufacturing Seta invites applications from Public Universities, University of Technology, TVET and CET colleges, Recognized Trade Unions for discretionary grant funding. 
Click here for more information.

HWSETA Expression of Interest, closing 13 October 2024
All registered NGO’s and NPO’s of the Health and Welfare sector are invited to apply to participate in the implementation of NGOs & NPOs organisation funding 2024-2025. For more information click here.

Chieta Discretionary Grant, closing 18 October 2024
Chieta stakeholders are invited to apply for the cycle 3 Discretionary Grants funding window. These grants are designed to support research and skills planning projects that address sector needs in the chemical industry.  Click here for more information

BankSeta Discretionary Grant, closing 18 and 28 October 2024
The BankSeta is inviting stakeholders to apply for the Discretionary Grant Funding Window for the 2024/2025 cycle. This opportunity is open for various programmes. Click here for more information.

Fasset Lifelong Learning Opportunity 
The Seta hosting the Lifelong Learning online training workshops facilitated by partner skills Professional Bodies. The training workshops are currently running from September 2024 until March 2025 and topics have been formulated to assist sector employees to gain competitive edge through fine tuning of skills required in the workplace. Visit Fasset to register.


Congratulations to the following organisations for achieving their QCTO accreditations in July and August…..and well done to our tenacious accreditation partners:

  • No-Valo, Occupational Skills Programmes: Workplace Essential Skills. Thanks to accreditation partner Belinda Beer.

  • B4i Academy, QCTO: Occupational Certificate: Sales Assistant (General) (Retail Sales Advisor). Thanks to accreditation partner Alida van Heerden. 

  • Reality Learning SA, QCTO: Occupational Skills Programme: Basic, Intermediate Emergency and Advanced Emergency First Aid Responder. Thanks to accreditation partner Alida van Heerden. 

  • Dynamic Outlook, QCTO: Occupational Skills Programme: Basic Emergency First Aid Responder. Thanks to accreditation partner Handri Stadler. 

  • SHE Administrative Services, QCTO: Occupational Skills Programme: Basic Emergency First Aid Responder. Thanks to accreditation partner Alida van Heerden. 

  • CSS Credit Solutions Services, QCTO: Occupational Skills Programmes: Workplace Essential Skills. Thanks to accreditation partner Izelle Swart. 

  • PST Training, QCTO: Occupational Skills Programme: Conflict Management. Thanks to accreditation partner Handri Stadler. 

  • Peas in a Pod Leadership Academy, QCTO: Occupational Skills Programme: Conflict Management. Thanks to accreditation partner Handri Stadler. 

  • Merchants SA, QCTO: Occupational Skills Programme: Workplace Preparation and New Venture. Thanks to accreditation partner Belinda Beer. 

  • Accelerate Management School, QCTO: Occupational Certificate: Office Supervisor and Higher Occupational Certificate: Human Resource Management Administrator. Thanks to accreditation partner Alida van Heerden. 

  • FSC Africa, QCTO: Occupational Certificate: Asset Protection Officer. Thanks to accreditation partner Belinda Beer. 

  • Glu, QCTO: Occupational Certificate: Computer Technician, Store Person, Project Manager, Commercial Cleaner, and Marketing Coordinator. Thanks to accreditation partner Alida van Heerden.