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aaaaannd…..that’s a wrap!
Showweee! Here we are at the end of 2024….what a year’s it’s been.

I guess the question of the year is: “Did Andrea really write this?! Or did her new best friend Chat help her out?!” 

Either way, once again I’m filled to the brim with huge gratitude and humble appreciation for our fantastic clients, knowledgeable associates and of course my magical team. Without their tenacity, professionalism and hard work Thrive would simply not be Thrive. Thank you. Thank you so much. 

My wish for you all this December is a connected, happy time with your loved ones ..may it be filled with joy, sunshine and some deep rest. May it be simply marvelous!  

As for the original question…I think I’ll just leave you wondering…. 😉 

Yours in all things Christmas,