QCTO Training Materials
Here at Thrive we’re determined to ensure that you not only get through your QCTO site visit successfully, but that you are completely and competently prepared to roll out your QCTO programmes. A key component of that success are your training materials.
Our training materials are complete and compliant – they are written and designed by a subject matter expert who works hand in hand with a QCTO materials compliance expert. In this way we ensure that the knowledge modules are covered in detail and contextualized to our South African environment and also that the practical activities are designed for your facilitator-assessor and learner to follow in order to elicit the correct evidence to prove competency. Practicals are not simply copied and pasted from the curriculum document.
Materials are guaranteed – any issues picked up by the QCTO evaluator will be remedied within the specified timeframes.
We have worked alongside our development team for 10+ years and their materials have not only helped secure our outstanding success rate at site visit….but also ensured that learners have every chance of success during their summative assessments.
But don’t take my word for it – please do request an online demonstration so that you can see for yourself 🙂
QCTO qualification materials are created in learning material sets, based on the QCTO requirements found in the QCTO documents
QCTO Qualification Document
QCTO Curriculum Document
QCTO Assessment Specifications Document
Each learning material set for a QCTO qualification consists of the following
Workplace Mentor Guide
Learner Orientation Guide
Alignment document
Statement of Results
Record of Assessment Results
Knowledge Module consisting of:
Learner Guide
Facilitator Memorandum for Learner Assessments
Learner Assessment Workbook
Practical Module
Practical Skills Guide with activities
WE Module
Learner Work Experience Portfolio
List of materials currently available: