Image of a mature African woman working at a desk and smiling


Thrive can help you make business sense of the Act. Our Skills Development services ensure:

  • compliance to legislation,
  • Seta grant disbursement,
  • points on your BEE scorecard.

We offer our services on an annual retainer basis as:

1. External Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) – helping organisations to get the maximum grant for their skills development activities.

Service elements
  • Setting up, coordinating and facilitating a Representative Training Committee (for organisations with more than 50 employees);
  • Completing and submitting Seta documentation – including a Workplace Skills Plan, Pivotal Training plan and an Annual Training Report;
  • Discretionary grant advice and support;
  • Sourcing accredited training providers and supporting ongoing training implementation;
  • Monthly subscription to our newsletter, “Thrive Update”;
  • Liaising with Setas for grant claims and reimbursements;
  • Providing advice and assistance with additional discretionary grant rebates;
  • Assistance and advice for keeping learner records;
  • Learnership advice and assistance;
  • Assistance and advice on how to make the most of the Skills Development Act within business and national objectives.
Service outcomes
  • At least a 20% grant claim against your SDL contributions;
  • Coordinated training and development plan for your organisation – for effective transformation, improved productivity and higher staff retention;
  • Allocated Skills Development Facilitator for the year;
  • Compliance with Skills Development legislation and guidelines;
  • A potential maximum score on your BEE scorecard (skills development allocation).

2. Skills Development Administration – an ideal service for SMME clients who do their own internal planning and would simply like to get their SDL grants back from their Seta.

Service elements
  • Completion and submission of documentation for Seta – including a Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and Annual Training Report;
  • Assistance and advice on implementing a WSP;
  • Sourcing of accredited training providers and ongoing support;
  • Liaison with Seta for grant claims and opportunities;
  • Helping to make the most of the Skills Development Act within business and national objectives.
Service outcomes
  • At least a 20% grant claim against your SDL contributions;
  • Allocated Skills Development Facilitator for the year – for guidance and support as and when required;
  • Compliance with Skills Development legislation and guidelines.

Please contact us if you would like to know more about these services.