At the beginning of lockdown I was often overheard saying to Ingrid how I was looking forward to the quieter days – time to reflect, think carefully, be creative and find new directions for Thrive and all things skills. Time to read those books I’ve been putting off and explore the Netflix documentaries I find curious.

I’m writing this with a smirk on my face – how naïve I was! Just a few months ago, the world seemed like a very different place. And, although school runs, traffic and, overly long coffee break chats have given way to dishes, fallen leaves, and home-schooling – there just never seems to be enough hours in the day.

Re-adjust we must! The economy is waking from its slumber, Seta doors are starting to open, SDP‘s can re-open, infections are closer to home, and panic has given way to mild inconvenience when yet another store closes for deep cleaning.

And with renewed energy, I’ve never been more committed or enthusiastic to get this show on the road (safely) again. Let’s do this!

Stay safe & warm Thrive Tribe! Yours in skills,


Industry News


As received on the 29 June 2020 here are the directions for reopening of institutions offering qualifications registered on the occupational qualifications sub-framework as part of a risk-adjusted strategy for a phased-in return to business which have now been finally been published!


Saiosh has published a communiqué confirming that all first aid providers have to be accredited in order to offer their first aid training. Providers have until March 2021 (as extended) to ensure accreditation is in place. See here for more information.


Suzanne Hattingh from Performance Improvement Solutions has published an interesting article on 4IR and Covid-19. To read her ideas on the importance of re-examining and restructuring South Africa’s post-school skills development system to prepare the workforce for the new world of work – click here.


On the 8th of June, the QCTO published its criteria and guidelines for the Gradual Opening of Activities within the OQSF as per Regulations of the Disaster Management Act. Click here to read more. The SETA has reviewed its WSPR closing date of the 31st of May to provide for a further ‘blanket extension until the 30th of June 2020 for all their ETD employers. See here for the full communiqué.

Seta & other Opportunities


The SETA has reviewed its WSPR closing date of the 31st of May to provide for a further ‘blanket extension until the 30th of June 2020 for all their ETD employers. See here for the full communiqué.


MICT SETA is researching sector trends to outline the skills requirements within the sector as part of its 2020/21 Sector Skills Plan (SSP) Update. The study looks at skills needs, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, amongst others. To participate, click here.


The FoodBev SETA is conducting research to examine the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the sector. If you are interested in participating, click here for details regarding the study. To participate, click here.


The CHIETA Board has made a decision to delay the awarding of the 2020-2021 Discretionary Grant funding window. Click here for information.


W&RSETA has reprioritised its 2020|2021 Annual Performance Plan to respond to the COVID-19 safety protocols by allocating funds for PPE support for learners returning to classrooms. Click here to read more. In case you missed it, W&RSETA has opened its 2020/2021 discretionary grant funding window for all registered small, medium, and large levy-paying companies that submitted Annexure-II documents by 31 May 2020 to apply. The closing date is 17 July 2020.


Ekurhuleni is offering unemployed youth and graduates experiential training, Internships, work-integrated learning, work readiness programmes, learnerships, and apprenticeships. The closing date is 31 July 2020. To apply, click here.


The Fasset offices will reopen on 1 July 2020 and will be operating on a 33% staff complement as stipulated by Level 3 lockdown requirements. Subscribe to the Fasset newsletter by visiting their website to receive their latest updates.



Click here for information and resources about funding, financial relief or general support to assist businesses to survive through the economic impact of the pandemic.

#Setaninja News

Our #setaninjas have been continuing to successfully pursue accreditations,  ensuring that the Thrive #WOOPWOOP tradition stays alive and well:
  • Dementia SA – –  for achieving their Services Seta accreditation with #setaninja Belinda Beer;
  • Kinga Global for being accredited by Services Seta with our #setaninja, Al Stander;
  • People Development Network Enterprises for being accredited by Services Seta with our #setaninja, Al Stander;
  • Cape Wine Academy (Pty) Ltd – – for being accredited by W&RSETA with our #setaninja, Al Stander;
  • Sum of 21 – for achieving their MICT Seta accreditation with #setaninja Margaret Barretto;

Thank you…

…so much for your expertise and assistance and especially your patience with us during the application for accreditation process. Your services have been incredibly professional, efficient, and high quality at every point of engagement!

I don’t believe we could have done this without your assistance! I hope to be able to make use of your services again in the near future! I will definitely recommend your services to clients.

Carmen Gunkel – Sum of 21
Academic & Business Head | Nurturer of Creative Souls | Pommy Mommy

  • Human Capital Investments for achieving their Services Seta accreditation aided by #setaninja Margaret Barretto;
  • Seed Solutions Academy for achieving their Services Seta accreditation with #setaninja Izelle Swart;
  • ALX JHB for achieving their Services Seta accreditation with #setaninja Izelle Swart;
  • Lethatsi (Pty) Ltd for achieving their WR Seta accreditation with #setaninja Al Stander;
  • Wolfpack Information Risk (Pty) Ltd – – for achieving their MICT Seta accreditation with #setaninja Al Stander.

We were kept on the loop at all times…

We received timeous feedback continuously. Thrive’s service and support met our needs and was in line with our expectations. We were kept on the loop at all times and received timeous feedback continuously. Thrive managed the project well – they did all they could to ensure we got out our accreditation letter from MICT SETA. We would definitely recommend Thrive because we always get excellent service.

Busiswa Gwala
Wolfpack Information Risk (Pty) Ltd


Thrive is pleased to announce that from August 2020 our popular and well-known, interactive accredited Assessor & SDF course offerings will be offered virtually and face-to-face. Watch this space! Learning online has never been so easy! Details to follow.

Planning to get your business Seta accredited this year?

Lockdown is a great time to ensure your compliance and documentation is in place and sorted out. Ask us about the Thrive accreditation services lockdown specials we’re currently running for accreditation projects started within lockdown. As always at Thrive there are limited accreditation project gaps available to ensure a complete and supportive service – so don’t delay! Contact us with your accreditation requirement today. Find out how we can help you!  We are just a click away!
To all of our masked heroines & heroes out there – Thrive would like to thank you all for your continued support.