Welcome to the first edition of our brand new newsletter! Starting this month, our new format will cover four topics that we think will go a long way to making your life easier! We will cover pertinent industry news, present you with Seta opportunities including jobs, tenders and updates, let you in on some of our latest accreditation updates and success stories and share with you what training we are offering to ensure that your career in this industry is a bright and successful one! If there is anything else you would like to see in our new-look newsletter, please let us know, we are always happy to hear from you!

Yours in skills, Andrea


The sweet smell of success

Thrive is delighted to announce that our new turnkey skills development solution which, for the first time, included a learnership has been an overwhelming success.
By ensuring careful candidate selection and including a bridging programme for all learners through the www.Harambee.co.za Youth Employment Accelerator, and through the support & encouragement of Merck management, we are proud to announce the successful graduation of these learners! We would like to congratulate Merck  and their graduates for this accolade!

Industry News

Wholesale and retail employers are invited to the annual stakeholder 2019/20 Sector Skills Plan (SSP) Consultation Sessions in preparation for submission to the DHET. Stakeholder participation is critical to ensure that key skills requirements are prioritised for the Wholesale and Retail Sector. Sessions will be convened nationally between 4 June and 23 July 2019. Click here for further information.

DID YOU KNOW ? At any given time, Thrive is working on 150 accreditations at the various Setas?
And we have a 100% success rate to boot!!


Seta Opportunities

Some exciting  opportunities not to miss out on this month are:

The InSeta Application Window for 2019/20 opens this month and all companies registered with InSeta are invited to apply for funding of Learnerships, Internships, Bursaries for Workers and Skills Programmes for Workers.

See https://www.inseta.org.za/notices/ for further details on how to take advantage of this Seta opportunity. The Road Accident Fund is also offering some exciting internship opportunities. Check out Careers Portal for more information about these opportunities.

SAICA – The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants – is offering their Code of Professional Conduct seminars in June 2019. This half-day seminar qualifies for four CPD verifiable hours.  To find out more about this seminar, click here.

Looking for information on careers in the financial industry? Download the Fasset Career Guide here.

The 2019/2020 TETA Unemployed Learner Bursary window is now open, closing on the 2nd of July 2019. The bursary application forms and guidelines can be found on the TETA website (www.teta.org.za) and on career portal.


#Setaninja News

Our #setaninjas have had bumper to bumper accreditations this year. If you know anyone that is loosing their Seta sanity? Why not tell them to contact us and we can help them out with Thrive #setaninja? Our highly experienced Seta accreditation consultants and skills development facilitators will gladly assist with Seta related queries.

Here are our TOP TWENTY for 2019:

Norton Rose Fullbright
Mosito Financial Consulting
The Business Growth Group
Inter-Change Enterprises Business Change Academy
Intabamhlophe Security and Training Academy
Kulinywe Learning Centre
Tokiso Dispute Settlement
Fireproof Training Academy
Yellowwoods Art-Spier Arts Academy
Wunderman SA (Pty) Ltd
Telkom SA SOC Ltd
Knowledge to Motion Skills Development
Stellenbosch Graduate Institute
Get Ready Start
RCA & Company
The Quality Specialists Hub
Global Academy of Markets

Need #setaninja techniques to assist you on your road to accreditation? We have the perfect #setaninja for you!! Get in touch with us today – we are just a click away :https://www.thrive.co.za/contact-us/

And, last but not least, we would like to take this opportunity to wish our magical Margaret Barretto, #setaninja extraordinaire, a very happy birthday for the 25 May. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!



Understanding the South African educational compliance environment – a double bill comes to Cape Town on 23 July 2019!
Understanding the various quality assurance bodies governing education in South Africa can be a daunting and confusing task….do you take the Seta or CHE route? Let us talk you through all the regulatory bodies and structures in order for you to attain the training provider company and programme accreditation that you need to best service your learners.

In this client focused and interactive workshop we have allowed for 2 separate sessions – you’re welcome to join either the morning Seta Accreditation Workshop and/or the afternoon CHE Registration Workshop.

SESSION ONE: Seta Accreditation mini-workshop – the nuts and bolts of Seta accreditation for Vocational Training Providers 

Andrea (tenacious Seta de-mystifier and intrepid compliance requirement un-tangler for more than 16 years!)  will take you through the ins and outs of your Seta accreditation application and compliance. There are a variety of ways to approach this.…she’ll help you to answer how best to do that for your particular circumstances, as well as unpack the benefits of your accreditation to your clients – ensuring you have all the insight and understanding that you need to be able to choose the best way forward for your application alternatively, how to make the most of your current accreditation.

She will cover:

  • Company accreditation application – what documentation is required? DHET registration;
  • Your training quality management system – policies & procedures and your quality committee;
  • Alignment of your materials to unit standards – how can we do this creatively whilst keeping your competitive advantage?
  • Training materials: develop, adapt or purchase off-the-shelf?
  • Facilitators, assessors & moderators: who are they and what do they do? Registration requirements;
  • What is the best way to approach this accreditation: varying Seta requirements, timeframes, and compliance requirements;
  • Making business sense of your accreditation – ensuring highest return on investment: BEE benefits, skills levies claims, certificate of competence.

SESSION TWO: CHE Accreditation mini-workshop – how to become a Private Higher Education Institution
Are you considering CHE registration? Are you in the process and feel stuck or confused? Let Suzanne take you through the details and various approaches of how to become a Private Higher Education Institution – what will it take to register your organisation and programmes with the Dept of Higher Education and the Council for Higher education and how best can you do that.

She will cover:

  • Overview of the CHE requirements;
  • The application process, costs & timeframes;
  • The Qualification and Programme Design: cornerstones of the application;
  • Policy and other documents: what must be covered in each;
  • Critical areas during CHE evaluations: what they like and really don’t like;
  • Guidelines for improving your chances of success & pitfalls to avoid;
  • Representations for non-accreditation & preparing for site visits;
  • Open session for FAQs and discussion.

Your facilitator is Suzanne Hattingh. Suzanne has 20 years consulting experience, consulting to both public and private institutions, universities, business schools and international development agencies on their higher education compliance and implementations. She has assisted more than 30 providers with CHE accreditation. This in-depth understanding of post-school education training systems ensures she is perfectly placed to assist you too.

The cost of this course is R650 for either morning or the afternoon (excl. lunch).
If you want to attend both sessions, it will be R1,200 for a full day (including lunch)

Should you be interested in attending this amazing double-bill workshop, please Click here to register by the 12th of July to ensure your seat.

Assessor course 
Dates: 31 July – 1 August 2019
Venue: Randburg, www.benvenuto.co.za
The cost: R5 950 (ex VAT) per person, including the venue, refreshments, manual, POE assessment and one re-assessment. 10% discount is offered to anyone booking and paying before 17 July 2019.
Registration: Click here to register

For an outline of the course https://www.thrive.co.za/assessor-training/

We’d love to see you there!