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Surf’s Up, Baby!

I was so looking forward to my beach holiday…..this kind of COVID wave wasn’t exactly the waves I had in mind! And yet, this time it does feel a little more familiar, a little more manageable, a little less scary somehow.

We have more ways of dealing with this on the inside and out, so although our holiday plans are a little in the balance right now, I do have a feeling that either way there are ways to ensure that it’ll be a wonderful break.

And that – Thrive Tribe – is my wish for you. A gentle time spent with loved ones with everything of the best that life has to offer. Thank you for your ongoing support in yet another skills year. Stay safe, stay sane and cuddle the ones you love. A lot.

From our team to yours – everything of the best 🙂


Visit Thrive now


MerSeta Discretionary Grant Window

The Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Sector Education and Training Authority (MERSeta) has announced the call for funding applications of initiatives outlined in this application notice.

Local Government Seta Discretionary Grant Window

The Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSeta) invites local government stakeholders to apply for the Discretionary Grants 2nd funding window in support of the LGSeta Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan. This funding window is open until the 17th December 2021. For more information, view this notice on the Local Government Seta website.

Fasset invites professional bodies to partner with them

Fasset invites Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs), and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) to apply for grants to assist in placing unemployed learners on one of the following programmes:

  • TVET WBE 18 months

  • HET 12 months

  • NSC 12 months

  • WIL 12 months

The closing date is Wednesday, 15 December 2021 at 16:00. Download the application form here. All applications must be submitted to the following e-mail address:

Thrive Seta Specialists - testimonial

Do you pay SDL to any of the above Setas? Then we can help you!

If your company pays SDL to these Setas, feel free to contact us to hear more about our free discretionary grant application service.

Please help me with my application?


Congratulations to the following clients for achieving their accreditation and much appreciation to our amazing #setaninjas for supporting these clients to achieve their accreditations.

Dare to Begin: Services Seta accreditation #setaninja Alida van Heerden

YSA Leadership: Services Seta accreditation #setaninja Margaret Barretto

Braydiver SA: Services Seta accreditation #setaninja Belinda Beer

Elephant Career Development: TETA accreditation #setaninja Alida van Heerden

Global Gold Institute of Training: MICTSeta accreditation #setaninja Izelle Swart

The Why Corp, MerSeta accreditation #setaninja Margaret Barretto

Fastwing Training Solutions: TETA accreditation #setaninja Belinda Beer

The Office Wand: Services Seta accreditation #setaninja Alida van Heerden