Congratulations to the following clients for achieving their accreditation and much appreciation to our amazing #setaninjas for supporting these clients to achieve their accreditations.
Dare to Begin: Services Seta accreditation #setaninja Alida van Heerden
YSA Leadership: Services Seta accreditation #setaninja Margaret Barretto
Braydiver SA: Services Seta accreditation #setaninja Belinda Beer
Elephant Career Development: TETA accreditation #setaninja Alida van Heerden
Global Gold Institute of Training: MICTSeta accreditation #setaninja Izelle Swart
The Why Corp, MerSeta accreditation #setaninja Margaret Barretto
Fastwing Training Solutions: TETA accreditation #setaninja Belinda Beer
The Office Wand: Services Seta accreditation #setaninja Alida van Heerden