Let us take you through the ins and outs of your Seta accreditation application and compliance. There are a variety of ways to approach this…we’ll help you to answer how best to do that for your particular circumstances, as well as unpack the benefits of your accreditation to your clients…..ensuring you have all the insight and understanding that you need to be able to choose the best way forward for your application alternatively, how to make the most of your current accreditation.

This high impact, customised 3-hour mini-workshop is held in Cape Town: SSTG at Telkom Centre for Learning, 8 Bosmansdam Road, Marconi Beam, Cape Town.

Date: 16 August 2018
Time: 8h30 – 11h30
Cost: R650 ex VAT
Venue: SSTG at Telkom Centre for Learning, 8 Bosmansdam Road, Marconi Beam, Cape Town
All details, including the registration form can be found here.

In short, all Seta accredited training providers need to apply to be registered with DHET (Dept of Higher Education) by the 30 of June 2017. The DHET registration requirements include:

  • A Seta accredited private training company – for full or part qualifications;
  • Application forms completed and delivery to DHET by 30 June;
  • Updated business plan with a little more detail than you initially needed for your Seta accreditation application;
  • DHET payment – R500;
  • A recent OHS audit (customised options for SME training providers available through Thrive);
  • Educational surety/guarantee (insurance option available);
  • Some other documentation, which we mostly have on file for Thrive clients.

Company accreditation application – what documentation is required? DHET registration
Your training quality management system – policies & procedures and your quality committee;
Alignment of your materials to unit standards – how can we do this creatively whilst keeping your competitive advantage?
Training materials: develop, adapt or purchase off-the-shelf?
Facilitators, assessors & moderators: who are they and what do they do? Registration requirements;
What is the best way to approach this accreditation: varying Seta requirements, timeframes and compliance requirements;
Making business sense of your accreditation – ensuring highest return on investment: BEE benefits, skills levies claims, certificate of competence.

Your facilitator is Andrea Kellett – tenacious Seta de-mystifier and intrepid compliance requirement un-tangler for more than 16 years 🙂

She also happens to be co-founder and Managing Member of Thrive Learning Facilitation. Thrive has done more than 700+ company accreditations in 19 different Setas, with 100% company accreditation success rate. Running about 150 companies through accreditation at any one time, Andrea and her amazing team are well-placed to guide and assist you to make sense of this sometimes confusing maze of Seta information.