Hear ye! Hear ye!

What the DHET is going on?
DHET issued a communication last Friday (7 February 2020) revoking
Joint Communique 1 of 2016 regarding the registration of QCTO/Seta accredited Skills Development Providers with the Dept of Higher Education and Training.

The Thrive team has taken a good look at this announcement and our (non-legal), high-level interpretation is as follows:

  • QCTO/Seta accredited Skills Development Providers (SDPs) no longer need to register with the DHET at this stage,
  • DHET are in process of amending the Skills Development Act to allow for this registration,
  • Once that is done there will be a new process for SDPs to register with DHET.

To see the full communication, click on this link.

Please note that there are 2 pages missing from the published Gazette, which will be added and the Gazette re-issued ASAP.

So in a nutshell, accredited providers (SDPs) do not currently need to register with the DHET. Once the Skills Development Act has been amended (which is in process) a new DHET registration process for SDPs will be announced. In view of this, Thrive has halted all current DHET registrations. Should the Gazette missing pages substantially change our interpretation, we’ll be sure to let you know! Watch this space, we’ll keep you informed as things unfold…

Yours in Skills,
Andrea 😉