Have a tree-mendous
It’s that special time of the year again. A time when we join with our loved ones in sharing century-old, traditions like trying to find a parking space at the shopping centres! A time when we reflect on the past year and start decorating our dreams for the New Year.
May this December break bring you peace, happiness and rest…presenting new insights, beautiful places and a wonderful sense of community. So much gratitude and thanks to you all for shared industry insights, close collaboration and very valued business.
I don’t have 20/20 vision anymore…..but as the new decade approaches, I suspect that we are all going to have a great year, taking learning and skills development to the next level in 2020 and beyond!
Hope this season finds you all wrapped up in happy! May your days be filled with magic and cheer!
Jolly holly-days to you and yours!
Yours in skills, Andrea
CONGRATULATIONS! Oh, what fun it is to thrive with your accreditation all sorted and in place! Welcome to the Thrive Tribe all our 2019 successfully accredited clients:
Norton Rose Fullbright
Mosito Financial Consulting
The Business Growth Group
Inter-Change Enterprises Change Academy
Intabamhlophe Security & Training Academy
Kulinywe Learning Centre
Tokiso Dispute Settlement
Fireproof Training Academy
Yellowwoods Art-Spier Arts Academy
Wunderman SA
Knowledge to Motion Skills Development
Stellenbosch Graduate Institute Services
Get Ready Start
RCA & Company
The Quality Specialists Hub
Global Academy of Markets
Michelin Tires
Diversified Consulting
Front Foot Consulting
Clinic Plus
LRT Global Projects
Lokisa Supplies
Frontera Management Solutions
TUV Nord
Schuitema Associates
Employment Informed
PM Connection
Franklin Covey SA
Mind Colours Consulting
Africa SAFE-T
BBBEE Empowerment Services
CSS Credit Solutions Services
T-Africa Health & Safety Specialists
Learnfast Training Centre
Achieve Through Action
Adopt a School Foundation
Travel Info Plus
Virgo Placement Services
Joe Public School of Growth
Muzifor (Pty) Ltd
The Entrepreneurship School
Varsity Academy
The Spur Corporation
Akhani 3D, Bravo Manufacturing and 8 D Innovation!!
And maybe next year, you will be on this list ?
Thrive will be closing offices 20 December and reopening on the 6 January 2020 to a brand new decade of fun and fabulousness!
Jabulela Ukhisimusi
Happy Holidays
Ikrismesi emnandi
Geseënde Kersfees