Dear loyal clients

There have been some significant changes to requirements in the ETD environment and we thought to bring them to your attention – see DHET communication here.

In short, all Seta accredited training providers (even if you are accredited for one unit standard) need to apply to be registered with DHET (Dept of Higher Education) by the 30 of June 2017. Recommendations are that you submit before the end of May to ensure the submission confirmation is received on time. The DHET registration requirements include:

  • A Seta accredited private training company – for full or part qualifications (even 1 unit standard);
  • Application forms completed and delivery to DHET by 30 June 2017;
  • Updated business plan with a little more detail than you initially needed for your Seta accreditation application;
  • DHET payment – R500;
  • A recent OHS audit (customised options for SME training providers available through Thrive);
  • Educational surety/guarantee (insurance option available);
  • Some other documentation, which we mostly have on file for Thrive clients.

How can we help? Thrive has put a cost-effective solution together to assist you with this DHET registration. It includes the completion and compliant compilation of the application to DHET ex VAT:

  • Thrive clients that have achieved Seta accreditation after 1 January 2016 – R7 950;
  •  Non-Thrive clients and those that achieved accreditation prior to 2016 – R9 950.

Payable on confirmation of service go-ahead.

If you’re interested in this service, please send us your latest Seta accreditation report and where applicable, any invoicing details. We’re looking forward to being of assistance….. Can we help you with this DHET registration?

How can we help? Thrive has put a cost-effective solution together to assist you with this DHET registration. It includes the completion and compliant compilation of the application to DHET (ex VAT):

  • Thrive clients that have achieved Seta accreditation after 1 January 2016 – R7 950;
  •  Non-Thrive clients and those that achieved accreditation prior to 2016 – R9 950.

Payable on confirmation of service go-ahead.


SDF course (fully accredited):
3-day interactive | 17 – 19 May in Sandton.

Thrive assessor course:
2-day interactive | 8 – 9 June in Randburg.

Click here to e-mail Bongie for registration details.

Kind regards,